In 2022, Crew99 was launched. Crew99 takes over holiday homes from owners, places them with potential tenants and takes care of the tenants around the clock with all-inclusive support. And you? You sit back and receive the monthly rent without having to do anything. With this concept, Crew99, unlike holiday apartments-Spindelberger, is trying to address a broader spectrum of customers and is aiming for exponential growth.
In 2009, when Linz was named Capital of Culture, we decided to start a new project. Under the motto "Travelling and yet at home" we started to renovate our first apartment and converted it into a holiday apartment or short-term apartment with complete equipment.
Since our first guests, a family that renovated their house and found their second home with us for 6 months, 11 years have now passed through the country. The number of our temporary apartments has continued to grow and we are still very happy to offer our customers a "roof over their heads".